
Through a Collective Impact approach, we will enhance the institutional attributes that promote health and mitigate the elements of campus culture that have a negative impact on well-being. We will disrupt the policies and practices, at both the individual- and community- levels, that inhibit our well-being while identifying and scaling up those efforts and actions that are working well.

How do we "well"?

What are the great things happening at Tech that benefit your well-being?
What policies or practices should be revised or discontinued to remove barriers to your well-being?
How can we best support each other in community well-being?
The Cultivate Well-Being Action and Transformation Roadmap with a Focus on Students launched in August 2022. We’ve formed an Advisory Board for Student Well-Being to guide implementation, appointed project teams to further develop the 25 action strategies and have made significant progress on FY24 goals. 
The Cultivate Well-Being Action and Transformation Roadmap with a Focus on Faculty and Staff launched in August 2023. Since then, we’ve formed an Advisory Board for Faculty and Staff Well-Being to guide implementation and appointed project teams to further develop the 8 action strategies.